
Shoulder trajectory

A shoulder injury is a common condition and that is why we see patients with a shoulder complaint every day in one of our clinics. A shoulder injury can have several causes. For example, a shoulder injury can occur due to an incorrect movement, overload of the shoulder due to heavy work or, for example, while practicing a (often overhead) sport.

Pain and/or stiffness are common symptoms of shoulder complaints. Although rest is usually a good strategy, it does not always help enough. Our physiotherapists therefore offer good guidance for shoulder complaints.

Common shoulder injuries that we treat are:

  • Frozen shoulder
  • Shoulder osteoarthritis
  • SLAP lesion
  • Osteoporosis
  • Shoulder instability
  • And much more!
Make an appointment

I suffered from a frozen shoulder and could hardly move my shoulder for weeks. Thanks to Sabine’s good guidance, I can carry out my daily activities again!

— Thea

Intake and examination

During an extensive intake we will find out the specific details of the shoulder injury. This is followed by a physical examination to assess range of motion, muscle strength, stability and any limitations. A diagnosis is made based on the results. Ultimately, a treatment plan with formulated objectives and a personal training program is drawn up.

When determining the objectives, we set the bar high and our ultimate goal is that you are back to your old level and perhaps even stronger!

The rehabilitation process for a shoulder injury

B&B Healthcare works with different phases in which the objectives are formulated for each phase. The number of phases that make up the rehabilitation depends on the injury and the intended goal.

Exercise therapy is an important part of the recovery process for shoulder injuries. Our physiotherapists will prescribe specific exercises to improve mobility, muscle strength and/or stability of the shoulder. The exercise program will consist of stretching exercises, resistance exercises and functional exercises.

During the treatment process, therapy is always aimed at improving the quality of life. This usually results in a quick return to daily activities. Examples of this are walking, shopping and working.

Many treatment programs require more than just daily activities. That is why the treatment process often consists of strength and stability exercises, especially for athletes.

Our shoulder specialists

Kevin Friederich team lid
Kevin Friederich


Shockwave therapie Schouderklachten Enkelklachten Knieklachten More info
Mirjam van Zoelen team lid
Mirjam van Zoelen

Sports Physiotherapist

Sportblessures Onderste extremiteit Schouderklachten Kruisband revalidatie More info
Nicole Masal team lid
Nicole Masal

Sports Physiotherapist

Schouderklachten Onderste Extremiteit Dry Needling Hersenschudding More info
Daan van Wijk team lid
Daan van Wijk


Knieklachten Enkelklachten More info
Lloyd Nuyten team lid
Lloyd Nuyten


Wervelkolom Schouderklachten Enkelklachten Knieklachten More info
Koen Huijgens team lid
Koen Huijgens


Kruisband revalidatie Bovenste extremiteit Dry needling More info
We always get the most out of your recovery. We do this through intensive involvement with you, applying multiple techniques, an advanced training program and a large dose of enthusiasm!